Mindfulness meditation workshop


Mindfulness meditation workshop is for anyone who would like to integrate the self-awareness practice into their lives. During this workshop, we will delve into the practice of Mindfulness meditation, its benefits and purpose. We will develop the ability to observe the inner tension arising in us and consciously release it. During the workshop we will learn to eat mindfully and calm the mind before sleep. Mindfulness meditation is perfect for everyone who is just starting the path of the self-awareness and for those who are already on this path. 


Feeling Awareness meditation workshop


We experience many different emotions and feelings every day. Some feelings are pleasant, others are unpleasant, such as fear, anxiety, sadness, anger, etc. Most of the time, we  want to avoid or resist unpleasant feelings. It happens that we do not allow ourselves to enjoy pleasant feelings either. It causes an internal tension. Feeling Awareness meditation deepens an insight that the nature of all feelings is temporary, it develops the ability to accept one’s feelings and not resist them. Let’s learn how to make friends with our feelings, understand their nature and learn how to take care of them. 

Meditation and awareness - Sorig Life

Guided Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation

Feelings Awareness Meditation



Guided with Love



Body-Awareness Practice


Individual meditation workshop


If you feel and know that an individual learning process is more suitable for you, then I will be waiting for you in private Mindfulness meditation workshop. Along the way of learning, we will experience what Mindfulness meditation is all about. We will clarify what we would like to strengthen in ourselves during the meditation workshop and what we would like to let go that our life could gradually become what we really want.

About me

I find a great meaning in leading meditation workshops. Seeing how people’s lives change for the better inspires me a lot – it keeps me motivated and keeps me going. After meditation classes, I feel very energized and in a joyful mood. I have been practicing meditation for thirteen years. During these years, I observed how I have changed and how my relationship with the world has changed. Meditation cultivates in me inner harmony and a sense of peace, compassion and insight of self-awareness. I am very grateful for that.

In this interview I share my journey and thoughts about meditation.



About my meditation teacher 

I am very happy that in 2020 I discovered my Sri Lankan meditation teacher Nishan Disanayake and the meditation community of Kind Awareness Meditations. With his sincerity, simplicity and devotion to the practice of meditation, teacher immediately awakened a sense of trust in me. I felt and realized that I could learn a lot about meditation practice from this teacher.

Meet my teacher Nishan and experience his guided meditation.

Kind Awareness Meditations
Meditation_Tibetan prayer


As Wind carries our prayers for Earth and All Life, may respect and love light our way.
May our hearts be filled with compassion for others and for ourselves.
May peace increase on Earth. May it begin with me

                       Tibetan prayer

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